The colours we surround ourselves with have a profound effect on our mood,well-being,personality,emotional stability and energy.Colour psychology used with knowledge and understanding turns any room from ordinary into a wonderfully healthy and aesthetically pleasing space.An experienced colour consultant or colour counselor with a proven record can work wonders with any interior that needs a revamp.
A great way to use colour in a babies/toddlers room is on the ceiling.Todays protocol is to lay babies on their backs to sleep. While they lay in their cot they are looking at the ceiling so use the space positively. Using a soft coral/peach/pink shade will create the feeling of a safe and secure space; a womb with a view feel.
Our first colour association is formed in the womb, where we are surrounded by warm nurturing tones created by the light permeating the mothers skin, a soft gentle light infused coral/peachey/pink.
The 'right' choice of colours in a room can create a haven for relaxation, encourage a night of passion, stem the appetite or in an office environment can increase productivity, stimulate the mind and raise energy levels.Colour has no limits, yet we try to tame it, box it, limit it. When will we grasp that colour will show us the way forward and not the other way around.
Yet it is vital to understand, for colour to serve us well and be accurately placed in every situation, whether environment, design or commerce,the colour palette must be correct,and it is all down to the person or team choosing the colour/s.
Colour affects your mood. The colours you wear, to the colours you choose to put around yourself in your home and workplace can have great influence on your moods. Colour can lift the spirit or dampen it.Science explains colour as electronic waves, moving at different speeds, the knowledge of the Universe is received through electronic radiation, or light; perhaps this is why we describe someone who is intelligent as 'bright'.
Using dowsing either remotely from floor plans or in certain circumstances just from a photo of the external building, land or onsite to help you to choose a healthy home or business.
Using distance dowsing June will advise and pick up on problems that are in place or that may occur, and on items that may need repair, replacing or updating.
Water dowsing is also possible.
Plus the elimination of bad energies or spirit release.
Dowsing and the treatment of Radiation exposure from electromagnetic fields, negative earth energies, Geopathic Stress, Space Clearing, Spirit Release. Placement and colours.
Specialising in Identifying negative energies by working with energy medicine, including dowsing, to identify electromagnetic fields, earth energies and negative energies that impact health and wellbeing in people, animals and buildings.
To remediate the negative impact and to bring about a healthy transformation for people, animals, homes and business.
Paint Colours
There are so many to choose from it can be overwhelming.
When decorating her home Ruby Wax once joked 'having to choose between so many shades of white paint catapulted me into rehab'.
So how do you choose? keep the walls in calmer more muted shades and use your creative side by choosing more vivid shades of colour in the soft furnishings. Rather than a full redec they are easily changeable and replaced when you want to revive your look.
Interiors demand that the architecture and light must take precedence when choosing the colour scheme, as highly pigmented colours change in different lights.
Incandescent Lighting
It is understood traditional light bulbs that we have used for years are being phased out.
Fluorescent Lighting
There is no doubt that this type of lighting has developed since 1940's when it was first introduced. It is seen to be more efficient than incandescent bulbs but not as efficient as LED.
Full Spectrum Lighting
Full spectrum is not a technical term when applied to a bulb but a marketing term implying that the product emulates natural light. In current fluorescent lighting a red object will look muted; however,in full spectrum it will be closer to its true colour. There are many manufacturers of full spectrum lights that claim to be the best and closest producer of atural looking light. No surprise as they are in a market competing for business. Secure the services of a professional colour psychologist to revamp your office lighting for best results.
Good lighting is vital to complement the colours used in interiors and for good health and to support healthy eye sight.
A Professor of Ophthalmology stock piled a lifetime supply of the old-fashioned type light bulbs because he believes (and said so at the annual conference) low energy light bulbs lead to eye problems, skin problems and health issues. See Colour Psychology Today book.
How can you enjoy walking into any room in your home and feeling at ease? By using a colour palette that is chosen with care using colour psychology theories. A good place to start is to look at the seven basic colours, once you have an idea of the colours you want to use buy tester pots in each colour and paint a strip of colour onto the wall in each room where you want to use it. Some interior designers suggest painting testers onto a sheet of white A4 paper and then sticking them up but I disagree, the paint must go directly onto the wall as some walls are more porous than others and this alone will change the colour coupled with the light, leave the tester paint up for a few days, look at the colours at different times of the day, in artificial and natural light.
Live in the space for a few weeks before decorating to get a feel of the energy of the new home and source your colour inspiration from nature for your colour palette. See how cleverly natures colours are beautifully combined and choose your favourites then go paint shopping for your colour choice in more muted shades for the home.
And never be scared of trusting your natural instincts, as I have taught for many years and wrote about in Colours of the Soul, the colours you are first drawn to will almost certainly be the ones you'll be happiest living with. Trust your natural instincts.
Using common sense, in a north facing room use warmer muted shades of colour and hot up the accessories, in a south facing room cooler muted shades, apart from coastal homes where the light is quite different the use of lighter green and the brighter more vivid cooler shades works wonderfully well.
Darker shades of colour seem to shrink a space, the colours come towards you. Lighter colours recede, they seem further away, making a room feel bigger. You can make any room work for you, use your knowledge on ceilings, paint a low ceiling in white or a lighter colour than the walls and it will appear higher.
I urge you back to nature if you want to use two or more colours in a room seek inspiration from how nature has used your colour choice, see how she uses colour so efficiently and beautifully, bring your inspiration home, use what you have found indoors, you may find yourself deducting or adding another colour, once you are decided on your colour palette choose more muted shades of your colour choices for the home.
Surrounded by colours that make you feel good can do nothing but support health and well-being and ensure your home is your blissful sanctuary.