Master Class in Colour Numerology
At some point June will share her Master Class knowledge on the subject of Colour Numerology, when you read her blog on this website you can read of the outstanding results she achieves from using her colour knowledge and expertise on the subject., knowledge gathered over many years through hands on practice, coupled with strengthening her intuition, as explained in her blogs, June shares with everyone easy how to ways that are straight forward and easy to put into practice to strengthen the intuition. Her knowledge has been hard won, with daily dedication, as she says herself, disciple - discipline.
For those interested in taking the subject further to help themselves, their clients and loved ones, the MasterClass is for you. June has taken the subject of colour and number she loves to a whole different level of professionalism, through years of dedicated study and passion the result is a superb colour therapy/psychology tool that is profound, that works beautifully and can be used in very many arenas of life to support, assist, to inspire and to strengthen the link between the light worlds and to strengthen your intuition.
No trainer nor school can offer the Master Class in Colour Numerology training other than June herself.
June is the only person able to take you to the level of master class expertise, as the method is her baby, her creation, flowing with her unique expertise.
In the interim and to help yourselves , you can study and learn both the negative and positive attributes of the 9 colours used in colour numerology, the 9 colours are;
red, orange, yellow, green, sky blue, indigo, violet, magenta, gold.
See Junes best selling book, entitled - Colours of the Soul, the colour index inside the book is a solid resource, and for further colour information see another one of her books, written for colour therapy and colour psychology workshop leaders, teachers of colour, entitled - The A-Z of Colour Therapy, an educational book with workshop layouts, in fact included in the book is everything you need to hold your own workshops on colour, with exercises, workshop detailed daily timetables, with full information and explicit how to.........
Learn both the negative traits and positive traits of the 9 colours, and combine this by listening to June's CD Colours of The Soul, at least 3 times weekly. Play it in the car, play it at home, on the go, in fact anywhere. But the best place to play it is where you can be quiet and play it,
Snuggle down warm and cosy, while it plays in the background, knowing you are absorbing the colours you need at that moment in time as the music is coloured. At times you may wish to interact with the exercises, some very gentle others with more movement, and with each one guided.
The CD is available through Apple Music digitally, and , through Amazon digital music online.
Jeff Cutmore created the beautiful coloured music for the CD.
The CD title is :
Colours of the Soul -
Colour Therapy Music, Dance and Exercises. by June McLeod
14 tracks - over 1 hour and 3 minutes.
A unique colour healing jewel to nourish your body and your soul
Created with love, guided by the Divine, the Colours of the Soul CD is a must have.
To elevate your connection to colour, well being, the worlds of light, and to help strengthen your intuition.
A unique colour healing tool that is timeless.
Use it regularly to strengthen your intuition, your knowing and for your health and wellbeing, and also to strengthen your connection to your guides and helpers.
Colour Numerology
June created the current colour numerology system many years back, she then went on many years after to write about her system/method in her first best selling book, Colours of the Soul, first published in 2000, the best selling book on colour and now a colour classic.
Today her book Colours of the Soul is inprint continuously by popular demand.
June has renamed her system colour numerology,f ormerley the karmagraph.
Her work is now being used globally, with many former students and trainers offering to the public and to heir clientelle a colour numerology reading , yet in some cases marketed under many different titles and names, such as colour personalities and colour sovereignty being to name just a couple. As long as there are 9 colours and nine numbers then rest assured it is June's original system.
The original method uses the numbers 1 to 9, with each number assigned its own colour, from red through to gold. Red, orange, yellow, green, sky blue (turquoise), indigo, violet, magenta, gold.
June is master of her craft and has correctly predicted many firsts using her unique system, colour numerology , including world events and celebrity news, here are a few examples, a small selection of some of her many proven highlights, with every one time stamped;;
1. The outcome of the Brexit vote
2. Kate and Williams daughter
3. Twins for the Clooneys
4. Obamas second term
5. Trump as President
6. Beckhams daughter
7. Third pregnancy for Kate
8. Prince Harrys engagement
9. A son for Harry and Meghan
10. Trumps 2nd term loss, yet gains in the future. He must be careful with his health and or security in the future otherwise he may pay a high price.
11.Water - Our future, near future holds much emphasis on water for us all
Either the lack of or too much of ............globally.
The importance of water in the future, will be affecting everyone on our beautiful planet.
such as heavier torrential rainfall, floods etc or the lack of when needed immediately in the environment with lives lost, and also the liquids in the body going forwards from 2020. See June.s Blogs on water on this site, it is time stamped, as she believes we will see increases in rain fall, flooding even tsunamis at some point, as unexpected as a surprise, water/liquid is the key to the future and she believes the next major illness to affect many could originate from water, and the lack of water will affect many in some countries, and of course the quality of water!
also on a great plus, great wonders will also be discovered with and around water that will greatly benefit mankind and help to unfold greater spiritual awareness. A very yin and yang state around water. Disasters balanced with discoveries, a testing time for humanity.
12, Mother Earth will reveal even more of her secrets for mankinds benefit, seek and ye shall she struggles to keep aligned and balanced through no fault of her own but mankind's folly , foolishness and ignorance, she will erupt and retaliate yet at the same time give up many secrets for mankinds saving grace.
13. Russia Ukraine war - see Colour Psychology Today/Blog - parts 1 , 2, 3. Russia will win, against all odds.
14. Celebrity charts
15. Food, there will be shortages going forwards, everyone is urged to grow what they can.
June says;
"My colour numerology method has many layers, yet with sound colour knowledge and understanding of the deeper meanings of colour, coupled with regular practice and dedication everyone can use the colour numerology chart once they have been taught to develop their skill and grown their colour expertise thus reaching their fullest potential.
I urge everyone to learn this wonderful method for themselves,, to help themselves and their loved ones and then their clientele.
I have shared everything needed to learn the basics and 'how to' in my books". Remember, there are two key ingredients for everyone to be successful, commitment, then practice, practice, practice.
Below I share a small sample of the colour numerology charts I have drawn up and share my interpretation and personal opinion. I am only giving an overview on each one as there is much that is too personal to share.
For up todate information on June's thoughts using colour numerology for world events and interesting subjects that may affect us all, see the Blog on this website. You can subscribe to both the newsletter on the home page and also subscribe to the blog found on the blog page for regular updates and colour information.
Re: The following Colour Numerology readings/charts;
Please be advised that everything I share is purely for entertainment purposes. These are my thoughts and opinions. I must advise you to do your research.
The following colour numerology reading for Brad Pitt is time stamped and was drawn up by June McLeod in the early spring of the year 2018.
Brad Pitt
I have been asked for the following, having drawn up his colour numerology chart I will not share the full reading, however here is my personal opinion gleaned from Brad's 'colours' in a short but revealing overview. The year is 2018 and time stamped.
Breaking down his birth date to single numbers gives us:
9 - 3 - 1 = 13 add these together = 4
Gold Yellow Red with a Green soul colour
"I believe, like most youngsters early years were spent becoming familiar with self and comfortable in his own skin. Brad is sensitive, he can with ease place himself in others shoes and 'feel' their pain, but, when he cuts off he cuts off, I hasten to add, this is really the last straw for him as there would be much time passing and more importantly many incidences that chip away at his loyalties and feelings before he reaches the state of cut off emotionally. Then when he is done, he is done.
Having viewed and drawn up his chart I will say that I am team Brad. What a lovely man, good looking gorgeous Brad is also very deep and feeling, he is not selfish.
Brad is entering a period of stability in his life, a welcome change from the past volatile years . This chart shows a personality with clear focused thinking abilities and with a strong determination, like a dog with a bone, what he wants to achieve and sets his mind to he will ultimately achieve. Can be a workaholic when he wants/needs to escape, but when settled and happy he is more than able to hold a balanced lifestyle with work and private life in balance, steady and happy.
.In times of deep stress and angst will turn for comfort and can easily become addicted to whatever numbs the pain.
I am pleased to 'see' the coming up, his 3rd love/marriage, is THE one and lasting. As he grows older the more serious and addictive side of himself will wane into oblivion, we shall all see the fun Brad, with an inner loving strength ever growing and blossoming. With his great love coming into his life producing a happier lighter brighter and more stable Brad than has been seen before. At last feeling comfortable with himself, his life and most of all his love life, at last. will be good, nurturing, stable and loving. The best is yet to come and well worth waiting for. The only demon he will have to watch for in later life will be to keep his jealousy and possessiveness in check, as he will love her with every fibre of his being and never want to lose her. She will love him also but chart shows he may love more hence the green eyed monster rearing its head. I feel Brad is entering the best times of his life and well deserved.
For those who expect Brad and Jen to re-unite are in for a big disappointment, as their great love story, I believe was a media fairy tale, to sell papers and magazines. Theirs was never the great love story we all read about. Of course they loved each other, while it lasted. The colour numerology chart tells me the true story. Friends they will be, getting back together romantically will not happen.
Royal Wedding
What a glorious wedding.
June McLeod drew up the colour numerology chart for Harry and Meghan on February,2018. Here are her findings, her opinion and over view on their pregnancy predictions plus a quick peep at William and Kate chart.
On the Wedding Day.
The bride and groom looked perfect, smiling adoringly at each other, Harry is so in love it shows in his face and every action, love filled the chapel. The choir spectacular, musician of the year superb, the Pastor confirmed the importance of love, he spoke with passion, the service was timed exactly right and the children were gorgeous.
"When I analysed the colour numerology chart for the wedding it showed an element of chaos on the day Knowing there were little ones walking down the aisle I naturally assumed in all probability the chaos would be caused by at least one of them. On the day I sat like millions of others glued to my tv. The service was lovely, the choir fabulous, the musician of the year incredible, the little ones on perfect behaviour, Harry and Meghan looking adoringly at each other, some felt the preacher went on a bit too long but his message was so passionate and full of love what was there not to like. I couldnt see an ounce of chaos, the ceremony seemed to flow seamlessly and beautifully.
However, the next day I read in the media, that allegedly Guy the dog ran amok at the reception eating food off the plates of guests and from the tables, and on the day, Meghans nephew had informed the media he has created a special blend of cannabis in honour of her wedding and named it 'Markles Sparkle' (he apparently runs and operates a legal cannabis farm in the States). and,Marks And Spencers months prior to the wedding organised the printing of a large sign to be placed over the Windsor store signage on the wedding day , re-naming the store, Markles and Sparkle for the day.
The colour numerology chart is never wrong, the interpretation of the colour chart is where any fault may lie, in this case my interpretation of the colour numerology chart was right, chaos did occur on the day of the wedding but not as I had first imagined.
I must add, here are the other main points I gleaned from their colour numerology - the kamagraph chart I drew up before their wedding day, I do believe there will be ongoing problems as shown in the chart of Harry and Meghan, some will be seen early into the marriage, Will this marriage survive the ongoing pressures and problems surfacing from family and past connections, also added to the mix the restrictions felt strongly by one party , she may feel hemmed in more and more over time, there is a feeling of having ones wings clipped, the restrictions may become just too much to bear over time and coupled with other problems between them that may never become public, sadly I believe the marriage may dissolve.
Only time will tell whether the problems shown in the chart are surmountable, and whether this is a marriage for life., but sadly I do not believe it is and I believe the marriage will end. I am saddened for Harry, as he truly loves and I do feel the ending may effect him the worst. Nothing is impossible but this young couple have much to over come and the chart unfortunately does show in my opinion the cracks coming in early into the marriage and after such a lovely start, unfortunately this is not a marriage for the long term.
Harry & Meghan - PREGNANCY
There is also another hurdle, the colour numerology - the karmagraph chart interpretation shows me there may be a difficult time falling pregnant or having babies, there is only a slim chance and just one possibility of a birth, we shall have to wait and see if they are lucky enough to fall pregnant, the chart shows a struggle, that may add to any problems between them, then we ask what will the sex of the baby be? I will put my neck on the line but please do not quote me, as the sex of a baby is very difficult to predict from the colour numerology chart, possibly a son, however, the baby may be a strong willed, strong character female with a strong constitution, hence showing as masculine traits on the chart. It is very difficult to be accurate on the sex of a newborn using the colour numerology - chart, but Ill say a son. Although I do feel it will take much for their to be a birth. . . .and there is another possibility that Im sure not many have considered and that is a surrogacy, should there be more than one child, and...a friend suggested adoption, that may be another consideration.
Many predictions have been made since the wedding by many people, what ever happens we wish the couple good health and happiness.
Kate and William
William will be a fine King and with beautiful Kate at his side the Royal family reputation and popularity is secure for many years to come, during their reign they will encourage and instigate many modern changes that will appeal to the populace. A wonderful and refreshing united team rightfully earning much love, respect and adoration who will re unite the Country and generate goodwill and respect for Royalty especially amongst the younger generation. Just as our dear Queen has rightly earnt much respect and love throughout her life for her sincere dedication and service. William will be a fine King and his marriage to Kate is for life. A glorious union beneficial to them both the Country and Royalty, a blessed union.
The current Pope
The colour numerology -karmagraph shows difficulties for Pope Francis. A gentle, kind and honest man yet has fire and passion in his belly, passion for good, passion to do the right thing for the betterment of the whole. A rarity, there are no obvious skeletons in his cupboard, what you see is what you get and what he is. A truly good soul.
He came into the 'job' with enormous energy, couldn't wait to get started, with passion and ideas for change for good for the benefit of all. Service of the highest kind. Integrity is his middle name. He is pushing hard for changes and reform both in the church and the Vatican, yet I believe he finds himself up against strong opposition from within.A good and humble man who walks his talk and will take action for the good of all. He must be down hearted and dismayed by the continuing opposition he faces, I believe it will pull him down as there is a barrier that he finds, no matter how hard he strives and works he just cannot penetrate, he may find it impossible to penetrate, and this may prove just too much to bear for him, as he is well aware of the necessary changes that must be made, yet finds even though he supposedly holds the top job, he cannot, is not, permitted to make the changes he perceives are for the good of the Vatican and the good of the church and most importantly for the good of the people. A humanitarian. A truly good man. who works hard behind the scenes trying to make beneficial changes for the people. Sadly I do not believe he will achieve all that he wants to achieve because of the opposition
He is an excellent example don't know what you've got till it's gone.......A great loss when his time comes.
"I urge everyone to learn and practice drawing up their own karmagraphs for family and friends till they become proficient, as everyone can learn to do it. Colour numerology is a wonderful tool to have under your belt. First learn as much as you can about the colours, peruse the colour meanings in my books and learn them, then 'play' with the colour numerology chart by drawing up as many family and friends charts as you can to gain proficiency and practice, practice, practice.
I have shared all my information in 3 main books: Colours of the Soul, Colour Psychology Today and in the book Colour Therapy A-Z there are blank graphs to photo copy and to use. I urge you to learn by reading and practising, as this is is such an informative way to work with colour for the benefit of yourself and loved ones, then as you become more familiar and expert at your analysis you can share the information you glean with others outside your direct family, friends circle"
June is truly master of her craft, colour therapy healing and colour psychology is her passion and life's work, she is thrilled her invention is being used widely as an essential colour therapy and colour psychology tool for both the students she has personally taught, the people they share her system with and the many people who read her books.
An indepth chapter on colour and numerology is found in her books Colours of the Soul, Colour Psychology Today, Colour Therapy A-Z,.
June has further created more complicated colour and numerology methods for business use, ensuring that everyone can understand and work with her colour and numerology system and to benefit from its use.
Using colour and birth date numbers can give us insight, show us our potential, reveal our inner selves and help us to understand the interaction between ourselves and others. The colour numerology chart is a circle of colour and numbers, each number 1 to 9 corresponds to a different colour. After using numerology taken from your birthdate you are left with 4 numbers that correspond to specific colours. The colour numerology is then interpreted by revealing the attributes of each colour, this can reveal a lot about your innate abilities, life direction and potential. One or more people represented by number lines can be plotted onto the circle, the colour numerology can then be read to see how your path interacts and effects others. The colour numerology method can also be used to tune into key events going into the future.
What can you discover using June;s unique and innovative colour and numerology system?
You will unlock your potential, be guided to a better future, plot your destiny, discover future events, get an honest appraisal of your relationships, at work discover who people really are, find positive dates for major celebrations, best dates for important business events, key attributes you can use to your advantage, future forecasts, the uses of June's colour and numerology system are endless and superbly accurate and less complicated to use than astrology or other systems of divining.Everyone can learn to use and benefit from using colour and numerology - the method colour numerology.
June's colour numerology system will reveal all you need to know and offer you solid reliable guidance. Like an onion, you will find there are many levels to the method, and as you become more able then more information is revealed.
Discover your potential, colour personality, the qualities and attributes you were born with, your soul colour and what you have come back to learn.
A system that is exceptional and based on colour and number. Superbly intricate yet simple, a paradox and a huge success.
Why is colour such an important element in our lives.
"Colours in the environment affect us on a daily basis, by acting as unconcious triggers that influence how we think, feel and react to the world around us. How powerful is colour?
With colour psychology combined with expertise we can achieve so much. Using colour psychology techniques with colour placement knowledge our world can take on a new and exciting visual feast and understanding by triggering the positives in our lives, opening our lives and minds to the huge array of possibilities that exist.We live in exciting times, I believe we are on the threshold of even greater colour discoveries.
Colour reaches us all on a very deep and instinctive level. If we combine our knowledge of colours and life wiith numbers , we will go a long way towards positively transforming our world, our lives and ourselves." June McLeod
The future is bright.........the future is........colour.
How many colours can we see? we are able to see more than 7,000,000 colours and counting. Colour psychology opens our mind and world to the enormous possibilities available to us all.
Colour and number has fascinated mankind since records began.
Here is a quick overview;
1 - passionate about many things, caution - be careful not to use your energy to excess - most prone to burn out
2 -is known as the liberator, the only number to be depicted in the tarot pack. 2 can be a number of division or universality. In the tarot pack the priestess is seated on 2 pillars, in her left hand are 2 keys, in her right hand a book. Do these symbolise the need to study the 2 in order to obtain the keys that will unlock the golden wisdom?.
3 - can represent the three sides of a triangle, the AUM, the trinity. The Egyptians allocated 3 colours to the Gods,Thoth- sky blue, Isis-yellow and Osiris-red. Observe the logo's of corporations and type of business who use this colour combination.
4 - elements
5 - elements with spirit added
6 - Buddhist Perfections and the truth of 666 revealed - the main player in the solar system the sun
and in Hebrew the equivalent of life.
7 -the seven colours of light and seven ages of man
8 - as above so below, the weaver of life
12- law lords, disciples, months, clock face,cranial nerves in the body, signs in the zodiac and there are 12 petals in the heart chakra, love truly is the beginning, the middle and the end.
More information is found in Colours of the Soul and Colour Psychology Today.
More on colour numerology and colour personality. (see colour psychology section on website for more information).
Often copied, never bettered, June's colour numerology method is the original and the best.
The method reveals insights and highlights positives to work with and expand also the negative traits that need work and to be aware of to help create a smoother journey through life. The positives act as a great support network when expanded and brought into ones life, whereas the negatives, once aware of them, can be reduced and hopefully discarded.
Like the peeling of an onion, the method will reveal many insights to those who have the required standard of colour knowledge, persistence to perservere and the patience to spend time studying the method for professional use.
Calculate the birthdate, month and year numbers by bringing them down to three single numbers.
Example: 20th December, 1973 becomes 2 - 3 -2 .
Add the three numbers together to reveal the fourth number, in this case 7.
The 4th number is the soul colour.
1 - Red
2 - Orange
3 - Yellow
4 - Green
5 - Sky Blue
6 - Indigo
7 - Violet
8 - Magenta
9 - Gold
Red - The Motivator
Orange - The Diplomat
Yellow - The Intellectual
Green - The Peacemaker
Sky Blue - The Communicator
Indigo - The Entrepreneur
Violet - The Idealist
Magenta - The Leader
Gold - Wise Counsel
Red- Red craves attention, hey have a spirit of adventure and are enthusiastic, usually see things through to completion if working in the positive otherwise they flag and lose interest. Bursting with energy when pasionate.
Orange-Independent with a great sense of humour, can always see the funny side, Prone to sit on the fence, dislike confrontation. Enjoy travel and movement. The original diplomat.
Yellow-Social butterfly and the original networker, analytic with a strong sense of self, has strong willpower and determination to bring about change, not always for the greater good, can be selfish when working with negative traits.
Green-Lovers of good food, the gourmet, master chef in training. Good listeners,will always see both sides of every situation, natural mediators. Great love of nature and the outdoors and outdoor pursuits.
Sky Blue-Inventive and talkative, never a dull moment, when in full form
can hold an audience attention,enjoys team sports and likes to encourage and nurure team spirit.
Indigo-The mystic. Innovator working with integrity and for the greater good of the whole.Creative, will bring through many new and innovative ways of working for the greater good of all.
Violet-Easy going and genuine if left to their own devices and allowed to work on their own initiative. Like to 'own' their work.Will share with friends and colleagues when they are recognised and held in high regard.In the positive, teach by example and can bring about many positive changes when they can leave the 'I' and replace with 'we'.Greatest lesson for violet is to work for the greater good of all, not self.
Magenta- Respect is magentas keyword, with a natural flair for business they are happiest when working for themselves or in a smaller working environment where they are not sitting behind a desk all day, they need to be out and about, travelling and moving.
Gold- Very knowledgable with a natural charm and wisdom that captivates and inspires.Most lead an adventurous and interesting life. Travelling to far shores will beckon gold. Observers of the world around them, human nature and life.
The colour numerology - the karmagraph method has many layers yet with colour understanding and knowledge and regular practice, everyone can develop their expertise. With colour knowledge and daily practice everyone can reach their fullest potential..