'Colour psychology is everywhere and bombards your senses. It evokes memories, feelings, impressions, tastes ,sounds and emotions. Colour psychology stimulates your mind, body and soul. You see it, touch it, smell it, eat it, drink it, wear it, breathe it, paint it,write it......and you are it.Wherever you go,whatever you do, wherever you look, you are immersed in a world of colour' June McLeod.
'Creativity and colour psychology is fundamental to innovation and innovation depends upon creative colour thinking'. June McLeod
With an esteemed colour career June's dynamic and innovative work with colour psychology is legendary. An original thinker and a leading colour authority, with an international client base that reflects her substantial knowledge and continuing colour psychology success.
June proudly holds the first colour psychology endorsement in the UK
Colour psychology is the study of the effect that colours have on human behaviour , particularly the natural instinctiveness feelings that each colour evokes. Colour preference reveals how each colour encourages an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual response in people.
We are surrounded by the unique and exciting colour combinations of the natural world on Mother Earth, in the skies and deep under the oceans. June believes by encouraging the colour student to think out of the box can create original colour thinkers with a highly developed creative spark that is taken back to the home or work environment for the greater benefit of family and business.
She has developed innovative interactive practical exercises integral to her superb method of teaching that encourages personal development, inspired creativity, innovation whilst developing a "what if ...." mentality.
June believes original colour thinkers are not born, they are encouraged and taught to open their minds to wider and inspired colour psychology concepts. They dont colour within the lines.
Junes method is fun and pushes the boundaries of colour psychology to new levels, not to mention buttons. She is a leading colour consultant and colour therapy and colour psychology expert who lives and breathes colour.
The source of her inspiration is the natural world surrounding us all, many years of study and research and a thriving passion for all things colour.
The correct colour psychology palette will support personal development and well-being in the individual, create a sanctuary and harmony in the home, drive sales, expansion, productivity and success in business.
Colour Psychology is the key to success in all areas of life, it truly is a game changer.
The study of colour ipsychology s as old as the hills,much research and many articles have been written covering a whole range of aspects of this extraordinarily deep and expansive subject,proving that colour psychology affects us all far more deeply and profoundly than might be imagined.
Colour psychology is used successfully for the individual, in the commercial world, in advertising,marketing and the media. Colour psychology affects us at every level of life. Every environment can be changed from something great to something wonderful with colour.
Anyone can put paint on the walls and it may have some effect, but when specialist colour psychology knowledge and skills are used the improvements are not only superb and dramatic, they are also fit for purpose.
Colour Psychology is the study of the effect that colours have on human behaviour, particularly the natural instinctive feelings that each colour evokes. Colour psychology is a game changer and transforms an environment, sells products and is the leading input to good design and marketing..
Colour psychology preference reveals how each colour encourages an emotional, mental and physical response in people.
Red for example will create feelings of warmth, movement, ambition, determination and sometimes fear and anger. Red may bring to mind sayings that have been passed down through the ages such as 'it was like holding up a red rag to a bull'.
Cultures from around the world may differ in their use of colour psychology and symbolism, for example in South Asian culture it is common for a bride to marry wearing red where as in Western culture a bride traditionally wears white.
Caution is highlighted by this one simple example, as international colour psychology knowledge must be fully understood and global cultures respected if a colour psychologist is to work fluently and efficiently with global companies, producing work that is fit for purpose.Colour is a vast and complex subject that takes many years of study and hands on experience to gather the experience required. Colour Psychology when used with professional care and knowledge is a game changer.
Colour is easily accessible by us all, it is a vibrational energy that need not be seen to be felt. Blind children have been documented (see Colours of the Soul and Colour Psychology Today best selling books by June McLeod) as being able to feel the difference between warm and cool colours by touch alone.
Research has proven that heating in all red rooms is turned down and turned up in all blue cool rooms.
Colour psychology works, let it work for you in your life.
Colour psychology is an integral part of life, it is all around us and a part of us. We cannot avoid colour psychology in life, it is everywhere, we just need to learn how to work with it and to take advantage of colour psychology knowledge to help us in life.The more we embrace colour psychology and allow it to become an important part of our lives, the more we will come to understand how it affects us and helps us.Colour psychology is incredibly powerful especially regarding memory links, it is there to give and to sustain life, to bring balance and well-being to the individual. For the commercial sector colour psychology reigns supreme, products are bought and sold on colour first.
Colour associations can be historical,national,cultural, personal and linguistic but one thing that we can,t deny is that it is also visual,
June has done some amazing colour work and research with blind people to confirm whether we need to see colour for it to have an effect, the outcome is colour affects us whether we see it or not. Colour has impact and for that reason, the way we use it can create either the right blend for the intended use or not.
One of the known ways colour is associated with a country is through its national flag. The most popular colour in a flag is red, almost 80% of national flags contain red and the least used colour is purple. The most popular tri colours are red white and blue.
Colour associations for each culture are interesting to note and important for business. We may be familiar with our own culture symbolism for a given colour and know how people will interpret it in our own country, but if that colour held a different meaning in another country or culture, there is a high risk of giving offence.
To understand and to learn the deeper meaning of colour is an effective way to show that you have learnt something about their heritage. It is a way to shoe courtesy and respect. It is a means to bridge the difference between people and cultures, to show willingness and to meet them halfway. One clear example of this was on the Queens State Visit to Ireland where she wore green ( a highly significant colour worn as a sign of respect and intention for the future).
With more and more business conducted beyond national and continental boundaries, this understanding can make the difference between you and a competitor who doesnt appreciate the importance of cultural diversity and the major part colour plays.
Take red as an example;
Western - energy, passion, warming, danger, excitement
Eastern - good fortune, fire, prosperity, worn by brides
China - ceremonial,vitality, happiness, good fortune
India - power, oppulence, fear, fire, fertility
Thailand - fire, sunday, procreation
Japan - danger, frustration, life, blood, Samurai, death
Cherokee - honour, triumph, success, virility
South Africa - mourning, blood,death
Russia - marriage, communism, ceremonies.
Nigeria - ceremonial colour, worn by chiefs
Aborigines - ceremonial colour, colour of their sacred land Uluru
Hebrew - sacrifice, sin
Christian - Passion, sacrifice and love
And here we were just thinking colours were colours............
The kitchen is the heart of the home,by creating a space that moves beyond the purely functional results in a desirable, aesthetically pleasing asset for every household. The research study was held over 2 days with a number of volunteers participating. Seven identical kitchen spaces were set up, coloured in 6 spectral colours with the seventh in all white. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and white. The colours were not primary colours, they were all softened with white, I deliberately wanted softer shades. Otherwise I felt the volunteers would be overwhelmed and possibly could not complete the tasks in the allotted time frame.
The seven identical layouts were equipped with identical utensils and ingredients, the volunteers wore white and given identical recipe sheets with exact timings.
It was interesting to observe the volunteers as they worked, from the moment they started the difference in the way the volunteers worked in the coloured kitchens was seen.
Red - returned more often to the recipe sheet
Orange - more accident prone
Yellow - determined effort resulting in being only 30 seconds over allotted time.
Green - Slowest off the mark, diligently checked and re-checked ingredients weight amounts etc Yet came in on time with well cooked food.
Blue - Became visibly stressed, least impressive for time keeping yet no accidents and food cooked and presented well.
Violet - A quiet rush, a paradox, a calm yet stressed environment, you could 'sense' the tension flowing from the space, rushed through instructions,worked to own timetable resulted in half an hour over run.
White - No accidents or dramas.
Full results of the study can be found in the book 'Colour Psychology Today' by June McLeod.
In this study light green and white came out on top,the outcome of the study does not recommend sole use of white and light green in all homes as particular colours and materials and in a particular placement were used in this study for a specific purpose.
Have your home surveyed by a colour psychologist who has experience working with environments, they will draw up plans and give colour advice that is exclusive to your home, placement, space and light .A bespoke coloured kitchen designed for a clients specific needs will give many years of use while supporting and nurturing family dynamics, therefore helping to create a happy harmonious home for the whole family.
'If at first the idea is not absurd, then their is no hope for it' Albert Einstein.
Another way to utilise the benefits of colour psychology for personal development is through colour and numerology - the karmagraph. Why colour and number? Why not? Why this method? Because it is the original and best, often copied, never bettered.
What can you discover? Unlock your potential,be guided to widen your horizons, ideas to plot your destiny, support relationships at work and at home, the many uses of the chart is endless and superbly accurate. Practice makes perfect.
To find your number and colour , reduce your birth day,month and year down to 4 single numbers.
Reduce the day, month and year to single digits. For example; 21st July 1970 will become 3-7-8 add together to find the 4th number. 18 = 1+8 = 9.
Therefore the final 4 numbers are - 3-7-8-9. now marry the numbers with the correct colours.
3-yellow, 7-violet, 8-magenta, 9-gold.Interpret the individual colours.
The first 3 numbers divulge information on where you are at, your personality,highlighting your potential plus darker shadow side and your attributes.
The 4th number is your soul number, the most revealing of all,by bringing the positive attributes of the 4th number into play in your life you can be assured your journey through life will be smoother and feel more supported.
For more information, a colour index and a 'how to' section see the books Colours of the Soul and Colour Psychology Today by June McLeod both describe the method in detail coupled with vast sways of info and a colour index.
Also : See 'Colour Numerology' section on this website.
June has created more complicated charts and methods for the corporate sector, but here we are discussing a karmagraph for the individual.
The completed chart for the individual reveals aspects of inner self that can be hidden and overlooked, personality type, weaknesses and strengths, it can be used for every area of life and encourages a broader outlook giving more choices
The method is used to tune into key events as a colour tool of accuracy.Once you become experienced and with practice much can be revealed.
June 'predicted' and it is recorded and verified, Beckhams 4th child be a girl, the UK Brexit vote outcome, Kate and Williams 2nd child a daughter and a third pregnancy, the Clooneys twins and Obamas second term, to quote a few.
The chart has many layers yet with colour understanding and knowledge and regular practice, everyone can develop their expertise. With colour knowledge and daily practice everyone can reach their fullest potential, intuitively, remembering, we each have a glass ceiling,once reached, we can only widen our abilities. Therefore it is natural law some will be more proficient than others when using an intuitive tool/method that requires interpretation.
Here is a small sample of the attributes for each colour. In the books Colours of the Soul, Find Your True Colours and Colour Psychology Today June goes into some depth supported by excellent colour indexes.
Red - The Motivator
Orange - The Diplomat
Yellow - The Intellectual
Green - The Peacemaker
Sky Blue -The Communicator
Indigo - The Innovator
Violet - The Idealist
Magenta - The Leader
Gold - Wise Counsel
There is nothing half hearted about red, used correctly and in the right setting red never disappoints and will always encourage the most passionate response, yet even red has it's limitations, red used unwisely is the most ghastly and unforgiving of the spectral colours.
The colour orange is about togetherness and sharing, respectful of opinions and choice. Orange recognises the importance of both the individual and the group. Orange is not a wallflower unless it is used solely for happy happy, then it squeals with disgust as it takes a firm stance and shouts loud and clear, this is wrong, I am much much more,take me seriously.
Yellow is in demand once more,the colour yellow has had an unfair press because so many feel they cannot wear yellow,yet the truth is everyone can wear yellow, choosing the right shade for their complexion and hair colour is the key otherwise yellow can make one appear sallow or even look drained. Yellow used environmentally must be placed with caution, as many things will go missing in a yellow/mustard environment, workers feel heavy bloated and unwell in a limey yellowish tint.
We associate green with balance and harmony, a stress free colour supposedly, try repeating that when a particular green has been wrongly placed in an office environment.
Blue traditionally is used for rest and sleeping environments, either the decor or bedding. Yet particular shades of blue in specific placements will cause restlessness and sleepless nights as uncovered by Junes research.
Indigo in corporate environments, . used sparingly and with caution, usually succeeds.
Violet/purple like orange is either adored or shunned, the two 'marmite colours' of the spectrum, the love me or hate me colours.
June has had great success with under fives nurseries over the years Exerts from the research results from one of the original studies: In a colour psychology environment that encourages creative and inventive thought in children. Improved emotional development in children. Children shared and co-operated more.
Decreased noise levels. Children found it easier to organise their own thoughts - leading to better intellectual development in the long term. Tension and aggression were reduced.Babies slept more peacefully and easily. Staff were happier and more content.Calmness increased and relaxation was easier.
The client testimonial: "I wanted to create a perfect environment for my day nurseries to complement the innovative care & development programme we had put together. June McLeod came highly recommended.
I knew that colour psychology directed by June McLeod would have an effect on the nursery but was not prepared for just how much of an impact it made. The atmosphere, the energy, and the visual image were all magnified and transformed.
The children's behaviour bore an instant calmness, the staff became more relaxed and interested and the reaction of parents as they entered the nursery was simply 'Wow'.
It has been the grounding factor that has bound our care & development programme together and produced results in the children's development beyond our expectations.
It has definately increased both the perception of my business and it's performance and has been one of the most beneficial and influential business decisions I have made" Angela Spencer. CEO Angels at Play.