The impact colours have to stimulate learning, childrens moods,concentration and behaviour is proven by numerous studies. I have yet to be disappointed at the outcome when using my skill set of colour knowledge, colour psychology, art therapy and psychotherapy when working with clients and students. Children absorb colour effortlessly in my opinion and love to work with colour creatively, creating and making with colour will keep their attention on the project at hand and keep them focused.
Thank goodness we do not live in a monochrome world, how boring, soul destroying and drab life would be, we all love colour and children especially adore colour. Colour brightens our life and puts a spring in our step and more importantly keeps us well and safe by guiding us to the freshest foods to eat, in a black and white world we would never see the green on meat or infact the mould on bread or brown marks seen on fruit past its sell by date.
Young children love to play with colourful toys and older children express themselves in many different ways with colour. Colour psychology techniques used in a childs environment will bring out the best in them personally and also support their emotional and physical growth.A colour psychologist can advise on the best placement and choice of colours.
Colour can be used very effectively to stimulate intellectual development from toddler age onwards. Babies are happier when surrounded by calming soothing pastel shades, following birth they have alot of adjusting to do and thrive in a calming coloured environment for the first few months. Avoid busy patterns and strong colours in their rooms initially to avoid hyperactivity and sleepless nights.
Toddlers are more comfortable with short bursts of loud colourful environments, strong colours will bombard their senses possibly increasing frustration and restlessness.
Keep the decor in their rooms a calming pastel backdrop to primary coloured toys, equipment and soft furnishings. In their bedrooms encourage the full spectrum of colours be introduced via toys and equipment. Brightly coloured toys and equipment can easily be moved or stored away to create a more restful atmosphere for quiet times.
Within the colour spectrum red, orange and yellow are considered 'magnetic' hot to warm colours. They make strong impact and are energising and uplifting. Sky blue, indigo and violet are 'electrical' colours and are cool, soothing and calming. Green lies in the middle of the spectrum, being neither warm nor cold it creates balance. We often retreat to the green of nature when we need space, calm and a sense of peace. Using light green within decor will help to create a feeling of harmony and balance.
With colour there are many different shades and hues that create different feelings and moods, changing the atmosphere in the environment. For specific colour psychology advice a full colour survey from a qualified colour psychologist is recommended to obtain the desired effect.
The first colour association is formed in the womb, where we are surrounded by warm nurturing tones of soft coral and peach created by the light permeating the mothers skin.
A wonderful and easy way to introduce the soft coral and peach colour in babies/toddlers rooms to calm and pacify, to support a sleeping routine is to paint the ceiling. Lying in their cot the baby/toddler will spend some time just before sleep looking upwards and interacting with the colour. By using a specific soft coral/peach shade of colour on the ceiling creates a sensation of security and being safe.
Never underestimate the benefits of colour used in drawing and painting,an enjoyable playtime for both mother and child with benefits for emotional development as a bonus.
If your child suffers from tantrums, sleepless nights, tummy ache that has no medical grounds, imaginings that are upsetting or night fears, then use the following colour to calm colour exercise
Use 4 coloured pencils or crayons (never felt tips) in the colours pink & light blue or orange & dark blue. These colour combos are the calming colours, of the colour first aid kit! Keeping the colours in pairs lay them out in front of your child, let your child choose a pair of colours to colour freely on a piece of white paper, ideally A4 size. Encourage your child to create individual circles with the colours. Colour with your child, encouraging them to create freely. You will find they will become quickly absorbed with the exercise.
Whenever your child is upset and restless this simple exercise will have an instant calming effect. You will also note that their breathing becomes easier and more regular. They may let out a sigh or two as they become more relaxed and their emotional body regains calm and balance.
If your childs plate is bursting with fresh coloured goodness, they will usually demolish every mouthful.Meal times should be a mouth watering display of colour, delighting and appealing to every sense. Be creative and use as many colours in each meal as possible and involve toddlers and children in the preparation of food. Let them choose the colours they are drawn to, the more involved you allow them to be in growing, picking, shopping and preparing food the more inclined and excited they will be to taste the food.
Copyright June McLeod 1970 - 2025 World Rights.